Andrey is adviser on foreign investments and economic development to the Governor of Cherkassy Regional Government, Central Ukraine, established and develop one of the first regional investment agency to support and attract investments in the region, anticorruption initiative in local government, participating and providing support of investments in energy, agro, infrastructure and waste management sectors on regional level, civil society initiative, EU integration work, work with international financial institutions, like World Bank and EBRD to attract investments to Cherkassy region, participation in development of Ukraine national housing finance institutions, saving and loan association, major infrastructure projects, airport development and LNG port site development on Black Sea. In 2001, Andrey graduated with a Master Degree –International Business MBA, Business school at Central Connecticut State University, Connecticut and a Bachelor Degree in History, Political and Social Science, Moscow Pedagogical University, Moscow, in 1996.
Bertil graduated from ESADE in Barcelona, a leading European Business school. He then did his military service as a naval officer, as aide de camp to the Defence attaché in the Netherlands. Afterwards, he was hired by EADS (European Aerospace. Defence and Space company) where he held a variety of management positions in international procurement. He was then appointed industrial director in Russia to manage several production outsourcing projects. After completion of these complex manufacturing projects, Bertil took a Franco-German Master’s degree in politics and international relations. He also served as a geopolitical analyst in the Russian department of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Afterwards, he was hired by a Swiss aluminium company (ASMP) as sales & marketing director for the Aerospace sector. Finally, Bertil has returned to what he loves best: geopolitical and Defence analysis.